26 December 2006
21 December 2006
Christmas Pindamonhangaba Style
Our friend Jamie Gottman from Henderson, Nevada mentioned to us via email to blog what it is like here in Pinda during the Christmas season. Here are some pictures. Pinda reminds me a lot of Mayberry from the Andy Griffith show. It seems everybody knows each other and they are always friendly. They are especially patient and graceous with my communication skills or lack thereof. Bernice and the boys are soaring with their new language. Pinda has several nativity scenes around downtown area. In the central park area, they have a live nativity scene. A "real" Joseph and Mary lay on the ground in the middle of the pathway of the main walk way in the park. You literally have to go around them to get where you want to go. Once you do get through the crowd you will probably run into one of the small marching bands that walk the blocks of downtown as they play carols. Speaking of Christmas carols, there are plenty of carolers in front of the shops on most streets. They do not have their guitar cases open for donations. I found that disheartening thinking they were missing a huge opportunity to make some extra cash. Right now the minimum wage in our town is around R$375 per month(U$187.50). I was then reminded that this was all done to celebrate the birth of our Savior not to make a buck. I need to work on that renewing of the mind scripture. We have also noticed the people of Pinda do not camp out at their local Wal Mart or the largest store here in Pinda named OLAJO do get the greatest, latest gift the day after Thanksgiving. They have seemingly captured the true meaning of Christmas.
Posted by
Tom Hammond
9:09:00 AM
Christmas gift From: Tommy To: Dad
Tommy gave me an early Christmas gift yesterday. He FINALLY got a haircut. After much discussion, multiple family meetings and 1 threat he found it in his best interest to cut the locks off. We have agreed that he can grow his hair long when he becomes a teenager. He turns 11 on Dec 30th, so time is ticking. Here are the before and after pictures.
Posted by
Tom Hammond
7:58:00 AM
20 December 2006
The Annoying Thing at Christmas
Daryl Taylor gave this toy to Nicky as a gift in April and Thom Worthington sent us this video....Nicky loves it!
Posted by
Tom Hammond
2:09:00 AM
18 December 2006
Please remember the children of Brazil this Christmas
Posted by
Tom Hammond
3:13:00 AM
15 December 2006
“Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others.”
~ Barbara Bush
Posted by
Tom Hammond
9:09:00 AM
09 December 2006
More Christmas Pictures
Tommy's Christmas Card "PaPai Noel eu quero uma skateboard. Tommy"
Nicky's Christmas Card "PaPai Noel eu quero uma bicicleta. Nicholas"
Posted by
Tom Hammond
7:51:00 AM
Feliz Natal! Merry Christmas!
Here are some Christmas pictures of our family and Nicholas at his Christmas production. Friday was his last day of school...now his sumer vacation begins. Living on the other side of the equator still is a little strange, especially with our seasons not matching the calendar we are used to. Merry Christmas!
Posted by
Tom Hammond
7:27:00 AM
08 December 2006
Our family pet, Petey was last seen with this man. He was left with Armando who agreed to doggy-sit for a duration of two years. Unfortunately, after several requests, Armando has yet to produce any photographic proof that all is well with Petey. If anyone has any information regarding Petey, please post. Petey is a beautiful, petite yellow lab, does not bark and has a small shedding problem.
Posted by
Tom Hammond
11:10:00 AM
06 December 2006
04 December 2006
It really was a Photo Finish
By a final vote of 12-11 the "Rob in the field" wins. Unbelievable! Thanks for letting me experiment with your pics Rob. I would encourage everyone to visit Rob at his blog daily. It is a great read.
Posted by
Tom Hammond
12:00:00 PM
02 December 2006
Photo Finish
The poll will offically end Monday night at 6 pm Pindamonhangaba time (noon PST). If I were you Rob, I would get that youth group voting! Has Ruth voted yet? I bet she would like the field shot. It seems so nice.
Posted by
Tom Hammond
5:04:00 PM