26 December 2006
21 December 2006
Christmas Pindamonhangaba Style
Our friend Jamie Gottman from Henderson, Nevada mentioned to us via email to blog what it is like here in Pinda during the Christmas season. Here are some pictures. Pinda reminds me a lot of Mayberry from the Andy Griffith show. It seems everybody knows each other and they are always friendly. They are especially patient and graceous with my communication skills or lack thereof. Bernice and the boys are soaring with their new language. Pinda has several nativity scenes around downtown area. In the central park area, they have a live nativity scene. A "real" Joseph and Mary lay on the ground in the middle of the pathway of the main walk way in the park. You literally have to go around them to get where you want to go. Once you do get through the crowd you will probably run into one of the small marching bands that walk the blocks of downtown as they play carols. Speaking of Christmas carols, there are plenty of carolers in front of the shops on most streets. They do not have their guitar cases open for donations. I found that disheartening thinking they were missing a huge opportunity to make some extra cash. Right now the minimum wage in our town is around R$375 per month(U$187.50). I was then reminded that this was all done to celebrate the birth of our Savior not to make a buck. I need to work on that renewing of the mind scripture. We have also noticed the people of Pinda do not camp out at their local Wal Mart or the largest store here in Pinda named OLAJO do get the greatest, latest gift the day after Thanksgiving. They have seemingly captured the true meaning of Christmas.
Posted by
Tom Hammond
9:09:00 AM
Christmas gift From: Tommy To: Dad
Tommy gave me an early Christmas gift yesterday. He FINALLY got a haircut. After much discussion, multiple family meetings and 1 threat he found it in his best interest to cut the locks off. We have agreed that he can grow his hair long when he becomes a teenager. He turns 11 on Dec 30th, so time is ticking. Here are the before and after pictures.
Posted by
Tom Hammond
7:58:00 AM
20 December 2006
The Annoying Thing at Christmas
Daryl Taylor gave this toy to Nicky as a gift in April and Thom Worthington sent us this video....Nicky loves it!
Posted by
Tom Hammond
2:09:00 AM
18 December 2006
Please remember the children of Brazil this Christmas
Posted by
Tom Hammond
3:13:00 AM
15 December 2006
“Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others.”
~ Barbara Bush
Posted by
Tom Hammond
9:09:00 AM
09 December 2006
More Christmas Pictures
Tommy's Christmas Card "PaPai Noel eu quero uma skateboard. Tommy"
Nicky's Christmas Card "PaPai Noel eu quero uma bicicleta. Nicholas"
Posted by
Tom Hammond
7:51:00 AM
Feliz Natal! Merry Christmas!
Here are some Christmas pictures of our family and Nicholas at his Christmas production. Friday was his last day of school...now his sumer vacation begins. Living on the other side of the equator still is a little strange, especially with our seasons not matching the calendar we are used to. Merry Christmas!
Posted by
Tom Hammond
7:27:00 AM
08 December 2006
Our family pet, Petey was last seen with this man. He was left with Armando who agreed to doggy-sit for a duration of two years. Unfortunately, after several requests, Armando has yet to produce any photographic proof that all is well with Petey. If anyone has any information regarding Petey, please post. Petey is a beautiful, petite yellow lab, does not bark and has a small shedding problem.
Posted by
Tom Hammond
11:10:00 AM
06 December 2006
04 December 2006
It really was a Photo Finish
By a final vote of 12-11 the "Rob in the field" wins. Unbelievable! Thanks for letting me experiment with your pics Rob. I would encourage everyone to visit Rob at his blog daily. It is a great read.
Posted by
Tom Hammond
12:00:00 PM
02 December 2006
Photo Finish
The poll will offically end Monday night at 6 pm Pindamonhangaba time (noon PST). If I were you Rob, I would get that youth group voting! Has Ruth voted yet? I bet she would like the field shot. It seems so nice.
Posted by
Tom Hammond
5:04:00 PM
30 November 2006
Photo Poll
My friend Rob Cunningham has changed his photo on his blog.
We were on staff together for a short time at Harvest Christian Center.
I know change is necessary, but I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to try a new poll. Even if you do not know Rob please take time to vote...all comments are welcome. Muito obrigado.
Posted by
Tom Hammond
10:59:00 AM
25 November 2006
Greetings from Pindamonhangaba
Our motorista took this picture for us today. We were car shopping!!! We are ever so close. Thanks for all those who have supported us! Go God!
Posted by
Tom Hammond
12:17:00 PM
24 November 2006
Quick Quote
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
Posted by
Tom Hammond
4:58:00 AM
15 November 2006
Bernice Preaches at the First English Service
Bernice preached at the english service held at the Bible school. It was the first english service of the year. We conducted the service "American Style". The differences between the American service and the Brazilian service are many. Here is a list of just a few of the differences:
American Service- informal attire..no neck ties!
Brazilian Service- Formal...suite and tie for the men and long dresses for the women
American Service- Contemporary Praise and Worship led by Patrick Thresher
Brazilian Service- Student led worship service using hymns and contemporary music
American Service- Female Speaker
Brazilian Service- Male Speaker
American Service- Non-Traditional
Brazilian Service- Traditional
American Service- Mixed gender seating
Brazilian Service- Men on one side of the Church Women on the opposite side (Married couples included)
Posted by
Tom Hammond
8:02:00 AM
We Are The Champions!
Nicky takes the Gold
Tommy wins the Silver
Tommy is going for the take down
Nicky is waiting his turn
The Arena
Our team from Pindamonhangaba
Tommy and Nicky took home medals this last weekend! We traveled to the city of Guardatinguata for the boys first competition. Nicky brought home the Gold and Tommy brought home the Silver in their first tournament. The arena was large and the crowd was fierce. Tommy and Nicky are both white belts. This is the first belt you achieve while training in jujitsu. They have been training for 8 weeks at our home church Sara Nossa Terra (Heal our Nation). Tommy fought a kid from Rio de Janeiro who was a yellow belt. We are very proud of both of them. It is difficult for them to understand instructions during their matches because their coach/trainer only knows Portuguese! Their Trainer Daniel is fighting for the Sao Paulo Championship next week.
Posted by
Tom Hammond
7:15:00 AM
04 November 2006
Featured Students
Our featured family this month is the Costa family. Tcharton and Sandra live in the family housing. They are second year students. They are from Guinea-Bissau, Africa. Tcharton and Sandra plan on pioneering a Bible School in their country after graduating from IBAD. Please pray for them as they follow the calling the Lord has placed on their lives. They acknowledge this is a BIG dream, but realize that God is a BIG God! This picture was taken at IBAD. The students were celebrating the birthdays for the rest of the year. The theme was Christmas. The students will be on summer vacation during Christmas so they decided to celebrate early.
Posted by
Tom Hammond
10:16:00 AM
02 November 2006
A Day in the Life of Tommy Hammond
Well it all starts like this. Really late at night or really early in the morning I hear my mom’s voice, “Tommy? Tommy? TOMMY!” Then I say, “2 more minutes.” Then I have to get dressed, brush my teeth & do my hair.
SSSHHHH, don’t tell anyone else but it’s a little known fact I just put on a hat. Next I’m off down the stairs racing the elevator down to the bottom.
I hop into Patricky’s car and ride to school.
When I get to school I sit down and wait for the bell to ring. When it does all my friends enter the room then I say Oi to them. Then we wait for the teacher some times they’re late. When the teacher arrives we start class.
I understand what I can. Then after a few classes we play Cops & Robbers on the play ground. And after a few more classes we go home, play a little X-BOX and go outside, which some people call the parking lot. But I call it the land-of-the-lost because a million, quadrillion, sectillion, kabillion soccer balls and tennis balls have gone over that wall (no footballs yet). After losing the ball we brought we go to the Thresher’s house and play on the computer, play station 2, or risk. Then we eat dinner and go to ju-jitsu. Go home. Go to bed and start over.
Posted by
Tom Hammond
8:11:00 AM
01 November 2006
Getting Close!
We are getting closer to our goal for purchasing a vehicle. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed thus far. See the sidebar for details and see how you can participate and join our team!
Photo: Sheila Taylor
PhotoShop: Blake Thresher
Posted by
Tom Hammond
3:31:00 AM
26 October 2006
Featured Student
I will be posting a picture of a student once a month for everyone to pray for. IBAD (the name of the Bible School pronounced: ee-Bod-jee) has around 120 students all studying full time to go into full time ministry. IBAD currently has sent 12 Missionaries out to different nations and numerous Pastors and Evangelists in Brazil.
This month we feature WIlliam de Souza Silva. He is from Vitoria da Conquesta, Bahia Brazil. William is 19 years old. He is in his second year at IBAD. He is active in the Worship Ministry and heads up the Missions program. WIlliam wants to be a Trabalho Evangelistico. A working evangelist that travels the nation of Brazil with a ministry team. His desire is for the team to preach, conduct children's activities and perform impacting dramas for communities across the nation. Please remember William in prayer.
Posted by
Tom Hammond
8:46:00 AM
22 October 2006
learn that it is God shaking them.
-- Charles West
Posted by
Tom Hammond
5:11:00 AM