22 May 2007

Courage to Dream

DREAMING REQUIRES COURAGE. For on the heels of every dream is the demon of doubt. No sooner have we latched on to a preferred future than our minds are suddenly filled with all the reasons it won't work. We find ourselves wondering if we are really up to the task. And if we are courageous (or foolish) enough to share the dream with others, they are generally quick to confirm our suspicions.

IN SPITE of all that, we must forge ahead and dream. Otherwise we will simply spend our lives facilitating the dreams of others. If you allow fear to overshadow your dreams, you will never try anything new or create anything new. Worst of all, if fear causes you to retreat from your dreams, you will never give the world anything new.

Andy Stanley- The Next Generation Leader


Anonymous said...

Great book huh?

faganface said...

I like that! Encouraging!!