14 July 2007

A Day in Sao Paulo

We had to go to the US Embassy in Sao Paulo to pick up Bernice's passport. We decided to spend the night and let the boys enjoy the city. We went to Starbucks, Applebee's, Blue Tree Towers, the cinema and to an authorized Apple service center to drop off the Mac mini. Our neighbor below us also complained that our dog was walking too loud. We had to put slippers on Bucky...he is not crazy about the new kicks. Here are a few pics.


Anonymous said...

So does it 'all' taste the same as over here? Cute photos, you boys are getting big! And I wonder what your dounstairs neighbors would think if Petey were there!?.......CONGRATS on the AWESOME GRADES BOYS!

Anonymous said...

OPPS..miss typed! DOWNSTAIRS!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy keeping up to date with the Hammond family through your blog. It is very enjoyable, at time quite humerous, many times serious. God is so good and faithful to you.

The boys are growing up fast. It is great to see such terrific report cards, especially since English is not spoken in the classrooms. Very impressive guys! Keep up the great work.

Another solution to the dog being "loud": buy your neighbor some earplugs. I am sure your dogs self esteem would improve tremendously. In his picture it looks like he is saying: I feel really foolish right now. I will try to be more quiet, just take these booties off of me...now!"

Love to all of you

Anonymous said...

That poor dog! You guys are great.

Tom in Brazil said...

Doggie Update:

Bucky chewed off the new booties in 4 hrs.

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious!! Man, what a laugh I got from that picture! Your dog looked like he'd disown you if he could! Are the neighbors always such a bummer?